Photo and Video Credits
For details about individual photos or video stills, please contact
Flickr photos:
- LovePark-8502" by Norman Maddeaux, used under CC BY / Cropped from original
Approved use of images from an individual or organization:
- Albert Yee (for selected photos of Fairmount Park Conservancy projects)
- Snapshot Anderson (for selected photos of Fairmount Park Conservancy projects)
- Melissa Romero, Fairmount Park Conservancy
- Ashley Hanson, PlaceBased Productions (for selected photos of Southwest Minnesota Housing Partnership projects)
- Mary Welcome, Homeboat (for selected photos of Southwest Minnesota Housing Partnership projects)
- Southwest Minnesota Housing Partnership
- Carlton Turner, SIPP Culture (for selected photos of Jackson Medical Mall Foundation projects)
- daniel johnson, Significant Developments (for selected photos of Jackson Medical Mall Foundation projects)
- Lyz Crane, ArtPlace America (for selected photos of Jackson Medical Mall Foundation projects)
- Jackson Medical Mall Foundation
- Ken Graham (for selected photos of Cook Inlet Housing Authority projects)
- Cook Inlet Housing Authority
- Luis Sierra Campo (for selected photos of Little Tokyo Service Center projects)
- Roberto "Bear" Guerra (for selected photos of Little Tokyo Service Center projects)
- Rudy Espinoza (for selected photos of Little Tokyo Service Center projects)
- Scott Oshima (for selected photos of Little Tokyo Service Center projects)
- ShiwiSun Productions (for selected photos of Zuni Youth Enrichment Project projects)
- Zuni Youth Enrichment Project
YouTube video screenshots:
- Milan Listening House, pioneerpublic
- Artmobile, Bold Reflections